Contrary and despite opposition by some professionals with vested interests in outdated traditional services, 3DNET Franchise pursues a concept which embraces the new technologies.
The underlying idea is to provide online, safe, timely, inexpensive professional services for almost any conflict situation on behalf of your client. Be they : Counsel / Consult, Conflict Resolution or Dispute Settlement.
No surprise 3DNET continuously receives endorsements throughout Austria & beyond. read more
Safe and Secure
Access important client and case information, respond to requests & queries in real time, safely and securely.
3DNET has taken all measures to safeguard information. The website is heavily protected like internet banking with leading banking institutions. View "daily updated" security certificate. Furthermore, access to your member panel is linked to your own "unique" IP address.
Easy to Use
See every appointment, task, meeting, and deadline at once. Share your appointments & tasks with your legal counsel, and know what you need to do and where you need to be.
3DNET is extremely flexible because the individual or company can start a case using 3DNET Franchise with/without the assistance of a legal professional. In many situations the claimant and/or defendant wish to obtain justice without expenses from legal counsel.
Instant Search
Interested who is a member of 3DNET in your immediate area or in the country ?
Or, want to select a legal professional to represent you or want to select an arbitrator ? No problem, our search programs are speedy and informative.
Can not remember that case number? Need information for your client who is on hold? No problem. Just type in any word or phrase and 3DNET will find what you need

eCOURT℠ Franchise - "Overview" :
Businesses you can start from a laptop WITH / WITHOUT pre-loaded franchise software
Franchising is a rapidly growing business model across Austria. Business owners across many industries including Professional Services, have chosen to grow their business through Franchsing.
As an option 3DNET offers its franchisees a preloaded HP laptop which will give them a ready-to-use eCourt licensed interface with AU business prospects within an pre-determined postal/zip codes territory.
After the initial one year trial software the eCourt licensed software will expire & automatically become defunct unless an ongoing franchise business relationship was negotiated.
It is important to know that the issued licensed trial software is territory restricted via pre-negotiated Zip/Postal Codes relevant to the resident place of the franchisee.
Under the optional offer: If the trial period ends without an ongoing franchise arrangement the party may own the PC laptop. ( the cost of which was included in the trial franchise arrangement ).
Because of eCourt global business relationship with the PC supplier(s) the acquisition costs for the laptop is greatly reduced. All supplied laptops will be of same or enhanced quality (HP Laptop 15-dw0xxx with 8.00 GB RAM & Intel Core i5).

Do you have an entrepreneurial background to be a eCourt Franchisee ?
The Professional Services is booming now more than ever, and it is a good time to consider investing, here at 3DNET e-Court. We help our colleagues corner a section of the market to ensure they have everything they need to start out right. However. not everybody has what tit takes to be a eCourt Franchisee.
Here are a few of the qualities we look for from potential Franchisees :
Communication :
At 3DNET eCourt we look for people who are good on the phone talking to people and can express themselves in writing. We need colleagues who can talk to us when things go wrong so we can help and support them the best we can.
Expertise :
Alhough not perse required, having some background or knowledge in Legal & Non-Legal Services will help you with your Franchise. If your ahave just limited experiences, have no fear ! We still help you through the twists and turns of our industry very step of the way. However knowledge of general business practices or behaviours could go a long way and save time later on when you open your 3DNET eCourt Franchise.
Motivation :
At 3DNET we lay out the path for our Franchisees. All that we need in return is for them to take the steps. We have a comphresensive training progrem and support all throghout the process prior to Franchisees going off into the industry. In addition we encourage you to learn any states law that may be required for becoming a Franchisee. In certain AT regions, a Franchise license may be required for Legal & Non-Legal Services practioners.
Dedication :
Service Practioners are increasing in demand worldwide, and at 3FNET eCourt we are looking for people dedcated to not only becoming practioners but beeing trusted, dedicated individuals that clients keep returning to. eCourt is a well known national & international brand that created an atmosphere that makes people want to come back for business advice and Legal & Non-Legal serives needs.
The Franchise advantage with 3DNET eCourt is that our Franchisees who are eager and dedicated to be part of the team have ample opportunities for success. We provide the training and Support to all of them, as well as target markets to help them choose a location that is good for their business. Although having knowledge in business is helpful for any Business or Franchise, we will work with anyone who possesses the latter two top qualities to make certain they have what it takes to be an eCourt Franchise owner.
Things potential Franchisees need to prove :
There are specific qualities that eCourt look for when we review the applications of potential Franchisees, We more than likely will not invest in someone who may be considered to be high risk. instead we favor applicants who exhibit characteristics that suggest an ability to manage a business and adapt to their environment to ensure profitability.
Iy you do not have an entrpreneurial background, do not fear, as we are well aware that applicants may not have direct experience in running their own business, but you "must" have an entrepreneurial attitude.
OTHER Considerations :
Financial situation :
This is important in determining the applicants stability and ability to have a cushion if he business hits a rough patch. Franchisors like 3DNET will consider their applicants networth and any additional sources of income. The networth will include assets, such as cash, real estate, savings, stocks, bonds and so on. Franchichors are also concerned with potential liabilities. For example, does the applicant have any outstanding loans or other debts that could pose a problem ?
Educational history :
Franchisors are interested in the educational background of their applicants. Although a college degree may not be critical to running a Franchise, applicants who have invested in their educational development may be viewed as more disciplined and reliable.
Previous employment :
Franchisors are always interested in their applicants experience and its applicability to Franchising. Expect to send in a resume as well as professional and/or personal experience.
Motivation for buying :
Franchisors want their applicants to show enthusiasm. Hopefuls are expected to sell themselves, top prove why they are a great fit for the 3DNET Franchise's business model. Applicants must make sure to highlight aspects of their personal and professional history that illustrates their strong candicacy. This is why it is important for applicants to do their own research up front to determine the type of Franchise they would be best suited to operate.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of responsibilities :
Franchisors are looking for candidates who have realistic expectations and are aware of the requirements and intricacies of working under a given Franchise brand.
Franchise must maintain required standards :
A hallmark of Franchsing is continuity of customer experience across the system. To maintain that continuity Franchises must strictly adhere to standardized methods, processes and routines.
Franchisee candidates must be open to work a trial
To work in 3DNET eCourts business model for a trial period is a must to allow candidates to get a feel for how the business model operates. This trial also allows both parties to assess skills, abilities and peronalities. Buying a Franchise is like joining a family in a contractual relationship that will last for many years. That is why it is important for both sides there is a good fit.

The importance to understand your territory can not be overstated.
When you buy a 3DNET Franchise, you are buying real estate. But, we are not talking about buying an actual building. Instead, we are referring to the geographical area you get as a Franchisee. Your territory. Your "real estate".
Franchise Territory :
In Franchising, territories are defined in a couple of different ways. One of the most comon ways to define a territory is via Postal / Zip codes. Closely related, by area. Another way 3DNET eCourt defines a territory is with demographics. The right demographics for the type of Franchise opportunity we offer relate to number of households with an income of say AUD 100 K., or maybe the number of households.
At 3DNET eCourt all our Franchises have the option to receive a preloaded HP Laptop which will give them a ready to use eCourt licensed interface with Austrian business prospects within an exclusive pre-determined postal / zipcodes territory/
At eCourt you will get an exclusive territory ( No IFS and/or BUTS )
Some Franchisors grant exclusive territories to Franchisees. This give Franchisees and opportunity to control a specific area, and to assure that no other Franchises will be sold in their territory. In other words the Franchisees are protected. Well, at least they sound like they are protected. But there is something else you need to know about territory, and this has to do with exclusive vs. protected. Although thye are often used interchangeable, exclusive and protected can actually have different meanings in the Franchise context. If your Franchise territory is truly exclusive, your business should be the only source of the Franchise services in the territory. On the other hand, if your territory is merely protected, then your Franchise agreement may authorize certain forms of competition, such as franchisor sales through alternative channels of distribution i.e the Internet.
The bottom line : at 3DNET eCourt you can be sure your business is the only source of eCourts services in the territory.
The importance of owning a good territory :
Basically, you want an area that has plenty of room to grow, so you wantreach your financial goals, One where the economic conditions are good, along with a large number of consumers who can and will purchase your 3DNET ecourt services. At 3DNET that is what you will get. Again No IFS and/or BUTS.

Application is limited to trained professionals and
incorporated professional organizations.
Cost for one-year trial Franchise :
Deciding to invest in a Franchise is a life changing decision and requires extensive thought, research and consideration before you take the plunge. There is an array of benefits to joining a 3DNET e-Court Franchise, making it a popular decision with professionals who decide to set up their own business.
The # 5 eCourt Franchise costs :
For those considering investing in a 3DNET eCourt Franchise business, there are five main categories of costs you need to understand. These include :
(1) Provisional fees :
These cover "vetting / background checks" by an independent third party, as well as eCourt Admin & Account set up & Non-Proprietary software Pre-Payments. This one-time payment of AUD $ 300.- will not be refunded when vetting results differ substaintially from data entered during registration. eCourt's assessments are at its sole discretion.
(2) The Franchise Fee : These are waived until Dec31-2023 !
The Franchise Fee, also commonly referred to as the initial startup fee, is part of your up-front, one-time payment for the one-year trial Franchise when you sign up to become a Franchisee. The Franchise fee is your ticket in the door. These expenses you will incur to get your business open and operating. It is what you are paying 3DNET eCourt in returm for the use of their brand, trademarks, products and business model. It covers the cost of your application, training, initial marketing and advertising, sales commission and general cost incurred by 3DNET's corporate team in getting you all set up as well as costs associated with pre-assigned postal / zip codes to ensure exclusivity of territory . This one-time payment will not be refunded when the Franchise is not continued after the first trial year with no further fees due in this category if the Franchise is continued. As most Franchise fees in most countries are between AUD $ 20 K. and AUD $100 K. and in some cases well above AUD $100 K. 3DNET eCourt Franchise fees are kept at just AUD $ 4 K.- because of 3DNET's international scope / ability to spread its overhead costs.
(3) The Equipment Fee - Optional :
The cost of 3DNET eCourt preloaded PC Laptop and other development costs of our licensed software tailor made & adjusted for each individual Franchisee is just AUD $ 2000.- ( includes associated costs of pre-assigned postal / zip codes to ensure exclusivity of territory ). Currently we are offering a new HP Laptop i5-DW0XXX with 8.00 GB RAM & intel core i5. All supplied laptops other than the HP will be of same or enhanced quality
(4) The Royalty Fee :
While the Franchise fee is a one-time payment, Royalty fees typically occur monthly and can be thought of as a membership fee that covers the ongoing support from 3DNET eCourt. The most common way Royalty fees are assessed is as a percentage of gross sales received / to be expected from the exclusive territory.
a) During the first year trial period the percentage is 30%
b) After the trial period 3DNET eCourt sets a minimum amount, or a percentage that varies depending of levels of sales. This percentage currently sits somewhere between just 5% and 9% percent. The Royalty fees is the ongoing revenue stream that keeps eCourt afloat, as well as cover the expenses of providing you with ongoing eduaction and support.
(5) Advertising & Marketing Fees :
One of the great allures of a Franchise is the brand recognition. Franchise companies such as 3DNET spend a lot of time and money marketing their brand to potential customers, which of course should help you as the Franchisee. In exchange for this marketing support, you will typically pay monthly marketing and advertising fees, which are usually also a percentage of your revenue. 3DNET eCourt marketing fees range between 2% and 5% percent of gross revenues.
How to apply for the One-Year Trial Franchise :
Please send us an email via
under the heading : Franchise-Austria, together with your full name and address. Upon receipt we will send our Franchisee pre-registration form within 48 hrs.
Human Rights Tribunals (federal and state/regional/provincial)
Human Rights Tribunal decides whether a person or organization has engaged in a discriminatory practice as defined under the Human Rights Act. The Tribunal’s statutory mandate is defined in the in the Act, the purpose of which is to protect individuals from discrimination.
Employment Standards adjudications
Promotes open communication, fair treatment and work-life balance for employees.
Employment Insurance hearings and appeals
Employment Insurance (EI) appeals Appeals related to EI regular benefits, sickness benefits, maternity and parental benefits, caregiving benefits, benefits for the self-employed, fishing benefits.
Public Service Labour Relations Board
An Act respecting the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board
Occupational Health and Safety prosecutions
Investigation of critical injuries, fatalities, work refusals and health and safety complaints, and, initiate prosecution under the POA in respect of offences under the OHSA and/or its regulations. A prosecution may be initiated when the inspector has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a workplace party has committed an offence.
Wrongful dismissal litigation
A wrongful dismissal is a breach of contract. It is called a “wrongful dismissal action” when an employee commences litigation against his or her former employer seeking monetary damages because the employer failed to provide the employee with proper notice of dismissal. This includes situations where the employee has been constructively dismissed.
Work-related disputes - unfair dismissal, personal
The disputes of the workplace that are unresolved usually escalate and have a quick impact on the culture or the climate of the workplace.
Defamation of character
Defamation is typically defined as a false statement someone makes about you, which they publish as a statement of fact, and which harms your personal and/or professional reputation or causes you other damages, including financial loss and emotional distress.
Consumer disputes - Faulty goods, 'trades description'
Consumer dispute means a dispute where the person or business against whom or which a complaint has been made denies or disputes the allegations contained in the complaint or, having accepted the allegations, refuses, declines or fails to compensate any loss or injury suffered by the complainant to the satisfaction of the complainant.
Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual property law (IP) protects the rights of any person or business who creates artistic work. Artistic work can include music, literature, plays, discoveries, inventions, words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Intellectual property law aims to encourage new technologies, artistic expression, and inventions that all promote economic growth.
Internet Domain Name Disputes
A domain name dispute is a legal complaint made on the grounds that a domain name (a proprietary string of language that is registered and recognized by the Domain Name System) has been inappropriately and illegitimately used or assigned.
Contract Law
A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more persons for a particular purpose. It is an instrument for the economic exchange of goods and services.
Construction Law
Construction law is a branch of law that deals with matters relating to building construction, engineering, and related fields. It is in essence an amalgam of contract law, commercial law, planning law, employment law and tort.
Family Law & Divorces
Family law Learn about divorce and separation, custody and parenting, child support and spousal support, enforcing support and resolving enforcement issues.
Business Law
Business Law is also known as Commercial law or corporate law, is the body of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct of persons and businesses engaged in commerce, merchandising, trade, and sales. It is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals with issues of both private law and public law.
Environmental Law
Even though there are federal laws and international agreements regarding environmental law, there are also a great deal of state and local laws regarding the environment. Each state has an agency to manage and regulate natural resources in the state. They set regulations on how people can hunt and fish
Immigration Law Section covers citizenship and immigration law issues, including legislative changes, administration and enforcement.
Trusts & Estates
Trusts and estates are the two main legal structures for transferring assets to your heirs and beneficiaries. Each works in critically different way.
Wills & Probate
Probate is a procedure to ask the court to either: give a person the authority to act as the estate trustee of an estate; confirm the authority of a person named as the estate trustee.